Wednesday, October 24, 2012

how to record video like pro

as we have done the other assignments ,it's time to start the 3 project , few days ago we were discussing about the topic with group mates and we decided to chose fashion . so we made the plan to do some research about it and interview with some models and fashion designer in Malaysia . so I need to record the video ,therefor I did some research about video shooting and how to be like pro .

Plan Your Production

No matter what event you videotape, have a plan. Write down or make a mental list of shots you will want to include. For example, if you’re videotaping a birthday party, your list might

Use a Tripod

Whenever possible, make use of a tripod. I realize it’s a hassle to set up a tripod, but using one makes a big difference in your video production. If you’re not going to be moving around, hand-holding your camcorder, using a tripod will help you keep your shots steady and clean. There’s nothing more distracting than to view videos in which the camcorder is constantly shaking and moving in and out of focus. Using a tripod, you can easily pan your shots for smoother recording

Shoot Close

Just as with photography, you should typically shoot close on your subjects. Fill the LCD monitor of your camcorder with the main subject being shot. The more background distractions you have in your shots, the less appealing it will be. Typically, there are four types of shots used in videography: wide, medium, close-up and extreme close-up. You can recognize these type of shots in well done movies you watch.


Shoot to Edit

Whether or not you edit your movie after it is recorded, try to do what is called in-camera editing. For example, your camcorder may have a built-in fade-in and fade-out feature which means that each time you start and stop a recording, the shot will automatically fade in and fade out. That can help make for cleaner and more appealing shots.
If you don’t plan to do post-editing, you will want to keep in mind the timing of your shots. Before the event, determine how long you will want your video production to be. If you’re shooting a birthday party, your production might only be 15 to 30 minutes long, even though the party itself might be a couple of hours. Remember, Hollywood movies are typically no more than 90 minutes. Viewers will not want to watch a two-hour video of a birthday party. So plan your shots and make them purposeful. When capturing guest arrival shots, for example, each of your shots might be about 10 seconds long for recording each guest. Your camcorder should include a timer that you can monitor for the length of time of each shot.

Check Sound and Recording

Shooting video is not like shooting with a still camera. It’s quite easy to have your camcorder on and see action in the LCD screen, but that doesn’t mean you’re making a recording. Learn to recognize when your camcorder is actually recording and when it’s not. Also check the sound level. If your camera has a way to manually monitor and adjust the level of audio coming into the camera, be sure to constantly check that audio level to make sure it’s not too high or low. If possible, use a set of closed-headphones to monitor the audio levels coming into your camera.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mask & recording prosses

After 3 days of recording and acting contentiously finally we have done it nicely .

 it was great week for me , I got alot of experience and learned alot,there is always something to learn in groupwork, not just doing the assignment and pass it but learning how to work with others  ,it was nice how everyone was trying to apply what they thought to others , it is kinda challenge . sometimes I like working in group depend of assignment but sometimes not , I like to have creative freedom and show my own skills , groupwork is fun , when ideas are shared plus you will learn communication skill, because it's like a real workplace,we always had to be in a place in accurate time and be  responsible but sometimes you may find unpleasant peeps in group ,those who try to pull others down ,thinking they know more and trying to act over cool , I think it can be a good part too , that is fact in our life ,we have to learn how to deal with others .

here is my mask

 The kind old man sitting beside Kanchan and smiling :D

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


as we have done two of the assignments the third one's topic is about mask ,well I'm going to talk about mask abit here , usually people wear mask for entertainment or to hide their face and for performance .

 there is many kinds of masks and people use mask for different purpose for example some mask protecting the face in sports like : baseball , American football , taekwondo ...

but this assignment mainly about why people wear mask in social and how the mask inspire them .
well for me as I experienced in theater for school long time ago, when I wore mask I had no fear and had more self confidence . because I could talk louder and knew that no one sees my face expression if I performance wrong even .

here is some picture of different masks

so before days I bought my first mask after I got it I was looking at it and thinking what to do with it . how I would hide behind my mask , what face suit my personality the most. I thought of being a old man , who is kind to everyone . because I always liked old people and enjoyed sitting with them . I like old people because they provide a link to the past, a past that I was never a part of that I would have no first hand knowledge of . they are also sometimes too old to have the energy to argue . plus they are so sweet heart and the sparkle in their eyes it talking to you as well . when they talk you got alot from them and I enjoy having a conversion with them . because they are experience .they have wised up over the years . wisdom comes with experience, but it can come from the experiences of others, meaning smart people look to those with more experiences to learn how to avoid mistakes . there is saying that says : respect old people they graduated high school without google or wikipedia :D hmmm don't know after saying all this I feel I'm such a old man now :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Icon

Well I guess every one heard Eminem's name when it comes to rap , I love rap music and I love Eminem . It's worried if I write down here how much do I love this guy and how his music inspires me in life .
Let me tell you a bit about Eminem and his early life for those who doesn't know him .
Marshall Bruce Mathers was born October 17, 1972 or better known as Eminem . life wasn't always good for Eminem . growing up in a poor family and his father left the house when Eminem was just 18 months . he was living with his mom in a trailer in park . he couldn't go to school anymore because he fail in ninth grade .
whatever happened he always had a dream to become a star and rapper ,He liked to write since he was young . Over the years he freestyle in some local clubs and participated in some competitions . His first album was in 1998 he released The Slim Shady . A lot of people thinks some of his lyrics violate harassment and rude but I think that is art , it doesn't matter how you express it .So there have been several attempts to keep Eminem from playing certain shows in his tour, but even Eminem says in on of his interviews that "Don't take everything I say literally," he just write down his feeling at those moment he feels .this is hip hop and that is what makes his music greater . It touches alot of people's mind and they understand it or they maybe the same and thinks the same way Eminem do .
Eminem got some Oscars  for films; actors and actresses. He has won 11 Grammy Awards for music.

I admire Eminem because he doesn't let a few people get him down .His music is great, yes there might be some that are uncalled for but he has said not to take him seriously during interviews and even in a few of his songs. For people to get upset, over some simple lyrics is ridiculous . well he said it's your responsibility to rise up you kids how you like not me . There have been other artists who say things and do stupid stuff too  that people don't like . ( The good example can be michael jackson that raped a kid)

 Sing for the moment 

here is the same music with lyric in cause if your ears are not used to listen rap music :D

 I think Eminem has great music, he's a very talented person he is brilliant storyteller,  I also think he has a lot of guts, he went out on a limb to get himself into a type of music that is known for by black people, he is only the white rapper. Eminem is not afraid to speak his mind, no matter what it might be. And that is why I love this Eminem . sometimes his musics are like a injection to me when I'm down , the way he moves the way he shout, gives me power and inspires me .
Here is a music he song for his daughter , He was married twice to Kimberly Anne Scott, whom he met in high school . Kim and Marshall began their on-and-off relationship , they filed for divorce shortly with couple agreeing to share custody of their daughter, Hailie


 here I would share some his musics with you that I love 
everyone of his music has its own story I guess you can get it by listening to the lyric 
Lose yourself

I'm not afraid

space bound

and the last song I would share the once when he get mad at bitches :D 

thanks for reading , stay safe :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It has been long time since I didn't update here , last days I didn't attend the class and didn't act comedy because I thought I'm not good at it . well to be honest I may say because I haven't enough self confidence yet .
who doesn't like comedy stuff ? why don't we do not do that when we can put a smile on  someone's face ?
well about me I think I'm more acting comedy in front of  camera than acting live that's why I love some hidden camera the most .
here I share some hidden cameras

XDDDDD keep smiling . have a nice day ahead 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

No Don't Give Up

palms = sweaty   knees = weak   arms = heavy 
He can't move on ,seems the road is blocked 
He is getting all the stress that breaking himself in parts 
but he will rest , taking the pieces peacefully and build himself again 
In surface he looks calm and but alot goes in his mind 
That's what pulling him down in this road
He is fighting to change this mood,but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down and
promious himself
 He is so mad at himself
because he has made alot of mistakes
but he won't give up that Easy, no
he has captured the moment and did hope alot 
He would not miss the chance
He has learnt sometimes opportunity comes once in life 
Still he feels lonely in this road
All he need is his family and friends
yes he is not happy without them
but he is becoming stronger
You can do anything you set your mind to . Eminem