Wednesday, October 24, 2012

how to record video like pro

as we have done the other assignments ,it's time to start the 3 project , few days ago we were discussing about the topic with group mates and we decided to chose fashion . so we made the plan to do some research about it and interview with some models and fashion designer in Malaysia . so I need to record the video ,therefor I did some research about video shooting and how to be like pro .

Plan Your Production

No matter what event you videotape, have a plan. Write down or make a mental list of shots you will want to include. For example, if you’re videotaping a birthday party, your list might

Use a Tripod

Whenever possible, make use of a tripod. I realize it’s a hassle to set up a tripod, but using one makes a big difference in your video production. If you’re not going to be moving around, hand-holding your camcorder, using a tripod will help you keep your shots steady and clean. There’s nothing more distracting than to view videos in which the camcorder is constantly shaking and moving in and out of focus. Using a tripod, you can easily pan your shots for smoother recording

Shoot Close

Just as with photography, you should typically shoot close on your subjects. Fill the LCD monitor of your camcorder with the main subject being shot. The more background distractions you have in your shots, the less appealing it will be. Typically, there are four types of shots used in videography: wide, medium, close-up and extreme close-up. You can recognize these type of shots in well done movies you watch.


Shoot to Edit

Whether or not you edit your movie after it is recorded, try to do what is called in-camera editing. For example, your camcorder may have a built-in fade-in and fade-out feature which means that each time you start and stop a recording, the shot will automatically fade in and fade out. That can help make for cleaner and more appealing shots.
If you don’t plan to do post-editing, you will want to keep in mind the timing of your shots. Before the event, determine how long you will want your video production to be. If you’re shooting a birthday party, your production might only be 15 to 30 minutes long, even though the party itself might be a couple of hours. Remember, Hollywood movies are typically no more than 90 minutes. Viewers will not want to watch a two-hour video of a birthday party. So plan your shots and make them purposeful. When capturing guest arrival shots, for example, each of your shots might be about 10 seconds long for recording each guest. Your camcorder should include a timer that you can monitor for the length of time of each shot.

Check Sound and Recording

Shooting video is not like shooting with a still camera. It’s quite easy to have your camcorder on and see action in the LCD screen, but that doesn’t mean you’re making a recording. Learn to recognize when your camcorder is actually recording and when it’s not. Also check the sound level. If your camera has a way to manually monitor and adjust the level of audio coming into the camera, be sure to constantly check that audio level to make sure it’s not too high or low. If possible, use a set of closed-headphones to monitor the audio levels coming into your camera.


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