Wednesday, October 3, 2012


as we have done two of the assignments the third one's topic is about mask ,well I'm going to talk about mask abit here , usually people wear mask for entertainment or to hide their face and for performance .

 there is many kinds of masks and people use mask for different purpose for example some mask protecting the face in sports like : baseball , American football , taekwondo ...

but this assignment mainly about why people wear mask in social and how the mask inspire them .
well for me as I experienced in theater for school long time ago, when I wore mask I had no fear and had more self confidence . because I could talk louder and knew that no one sees my face expression if I performance wrong even .

here is some picture of different masks

so before days I bought my first mask after I got it I was looking at it and thinking what to do with it . how I would hide behind my mask , what face suit my personality the most. I thought of being a old man , who is kind to everyone . because I always liked old people and enjoyed sitting with them . I like old people because they provide a link to the past, a past that I was never a part of that I would have no first hand knowledge of . they are also sometimes too old to have the energy to argue . plus they are so sweet heart and the sparkle in their eyes it talking to you as well . when they talk you got alot from them and I enjoy having a conversion with them . because they are experience .they have wised up over the years . wisdom comes with experience, but it can come from the experiences of others, meaning smart people look to those with more experiences to learn how to avoid mistakes . there is saying that says : respect old people they graduated high school without google or wikipedia :D hmmm don't know after saying all this I feel I'm such a old man now :D

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